• Avenida de Europa, 19, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid.
  • info@dail.es

NLP for Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Solution for monitoring the procurement process and management of renewable energy facilities in Spain.

With this solution, you can automate the administrative action detection process.

Thanks to automated reading, you can find the corresponding administrative processes extremely accurately thanks to Natural Language Processing.

Guaranteed minimum accuracy of 85%.

The goal

It is a packaged solution that can be implemented within a minimum term.

• Capacity to read both state and regional journals.

• Information processed in real time.

• Processing of solar, wind, offshore wind or hydraulic power processes.

• Extraction of more than 20 items of data.

Success stories

One of Spain’s leading energy suppliers and producers needed to automate the reading and extraction of data from Spain’s official bulletins (national and regional) related to renewable energy activity (wind and photovoltaic).


Thanks to DAIL solutions, this process has been fully automated, with the process being updated in real time.




High quality processing of official documentation so that only information that is truly of interest to the company is received.


Our service adapts to customer needs with the creation of specific language models


Packaged solution with the possibility of customer implemented within a minimum time and cost.


Expert team in linguistics and computing with in-house solutions and experience with native solutions in Spanish.

Request a free evaluation of your use case

    {Conforme al RGPD y la LOPDGDD, DAIL SOFTWARE, S.L. tratará los datos facilitados con la finalidad de gestionar y atender su solicitud. Para obtener más información acerca del tratamiento de sus datos y ejercer sus derechos, visite nuestra } {Política de Privacidad}.